Sunday, March 04, 2007

Results From CPAC

Power Point Slide Show Link


  1. When was the last time you saw a GM last 300,000 miles? Most well made cars, and I'm not saying a Hummer is well made, would get 150,000 before they're sent to the junk yard. Using that yard stick the Hummer costs $3.90 to put on the road, and a lot more when you get it on the road.

  2. >>When was the last time you saw a GM last 300,000 miles?

    Last week.

    It's quite common for their full size trucks and many of their mostly post 1992 cars as well.

    In fact in my own garage is a 137K GM and a 193K Ford; my son's GM car currently has 132K and appears to be about 1 year old - in fact most people think he drives a "new" car.


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