Mitt Romney 4,516 31.5
Spent a fortune, has one he earned himself, a formidable candidate.

Mike Huckabee 2,587 18.1
Stronger than expected - a good man, the nation could do a lot worse and often has.

Sam Brownback 2,192 15.3
Here leaving prison early due to good behavior

Tom Tancredo 1,961 13.7
Picture speaks for itself

Ron Paul 1,305 9.1
The conservative internet darling, going no where fast thank heavens. Truely a nut case - (thinks we brought 9/11 on ourselves)

Tommy Thompson 1,039 7.3
Great guy - getting no traction

Fred Thompson 203 1.4
Not an announced candidate as of yet, could totally alter the political landscape

Rudy Giuliani 183 1.3
Needs to spend a weekend with NRA supporters

Duncan Hunter 174 1.2
Describing his gas pains

John McCain 101 1.0
Still angry after all these years

John Cox 41 less than 1
John McCain 101 1.0
ReplyDeleteStill angry after all these years
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Ron Paul 1,305 9.1
The conservative internet darling,
The Libertarians love him.
Besides, 9/11 was an inside job.
Mike Huckabee 2,587 18.1
Stronger than expected - a good man, the nation could do a lot worse and often has.
Yeah, but that name! How can you take a President Huckabee seriously?
. "Even if we lose elections we should not lose our honor. And that is more important than the Republican party." -- Mike Huckabee
ReplyDeleteA long-time and seemingly committed Blogger for Huckabee has withdrawn his support for Mike. That is his right, but I believe he's making statements about Mike -- and, frankly, about me -- that are misleading (to say the least). I devoted my column today to the subject, and I want all backers of Mike (and of Mike heading a ticket with Gov. Sarah Palin in the second spot) to know that I have the highest regard for Gov. Huckabee. Thanks.
steve maloney
I'd love to get in touch at some point. I lived in CT (and worked at Aetna) in the late 80s. I'm involved in several campaigns -- steve TalkTop65@aol.com
Regarding the Comment on Ron Paul.
ReplyDeleteI think that was a very uninformed and predjucial remark. If you feel there is a better candidate perhaps you shoul prop up your own guy rather than bash Ron Paul.
While I am not in agreement with all of Ron Pauls positions I do believe that he is sincere and trustworthy. I cannot say that about any of the other candidates. I sent in my contribution this week how about you guys do you value freedom?
Rocco J. Frank Jr.
One More thing....
ReplyDeleteRon Paul has 7.5 Million Dollars. 12-20 Million by years end.
"Going no where fast..." It looks like someone owes all Ron Pauler's an apology.
Real Clear has a different take:
ReplyDelete"The more support Paul attracts, the better Hillary's general election chances look.."