Thursday, January 08, 2009

Senate Democrats Make U-Turn

Burris to be seated

After making complete fools of themselves....

Here, Harry Reid Leads anti-Burris rally earlier this week.

Democrats make a complete


Several Senate staffers are now in recovery.


  1. If that was Harry Reid in the hospital bed, I'd guess he was there because he needed a spine installed.

    But he'd never do that, because then he'd have trouble slithering out of his commitments to Democrats.

    I wasn't much of a fan of the Senate previously, but lately I'm really starting to detest some of our so-called "leaders".

  2. >>I wasn't much of a fan of the Senate previously, but lately I'm really starting to detest some of our so-called "leaders".

    Over coffee, (and neither of us ever admiting any of it); we would probably agree 70% or better on which members of that body have even a clue.


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