For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Healy - 860-966-8468
Note that Chairman Healy posts his actual cell number (yes as a matter of fact he usually does answer!) - the man is accountable.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Congressional Democrats Absent on Health Care
Support for National Plan Will Kill CT Jobs
HARTFORD - Since the health care debate recently began in Congress, no member of the Connecticut delegation has expressed any concern, less a word on how these proposals would destroy much of Connecticut's economy, according to Republican State Party Chairman Chris Healy Monday.
"Democrats are planning to nationalize the health care system in America, which accounts for one seventh of our economy and will lead to the rationing of services and poor quality of care," said Healy. "The Connecticut Congressional delegation have been silent conspirators in a plan that will radically alter many of our state's key industries."
Democratic leadership and the Obama administration have proposed a "public option" - a government administered health plan that would enroll anyone who chooses to join. Most experts believe this is the first step toward a single-payer system where costs will be shifted from the public plan, which has an unlimited ability to raise money through taxes and fees, toward private companies.
"Here is a news flash for Congressmen John Larson, Rosa DeLauro, Chris Murphy, Joe Courtney and Jim Himes - Connecticut has many insurance companies, bio-tech firms, pharmaceutical companies and financial institutions which sustain their operations," said Healy. "You are killing our economy."
Democrats, like Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA, want pharmaceutical companies to rebate billions of dollars he said were unfairly reaped from the prescription drug program passed by Republicans under the Bush Administration.
"Imagine what will happen to Pfizer, Bristol Meyers and our bio-tech corridor if Waxman's revenge is allowed?" asked Healy. "Why aren't our Congressmen defending Connecticut jobs?"
Healy said DeLauro and Larson are particularly to blame, since each are members of the leadership circle. Both have close access to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, but neither has uttered a word about this massive take-over of the health care industry.
"Larson and DeLauro should use their influence to stop this insane plot to ruin the best health care system in the world and fix what is broken," said Healy. "The problem is both Larson and DeLauro are in the pockets of those who are driving up health care costs - like trial lawyers and public sector health care unions."
Healy said each member of the Congressional delegation should make themselves available to voters and the media in the coming day s to give direct answers to the major components of the health care bill.
"Connecticut is a driving force in medical technology, research, health care services and insurance" said Healy. "We need to know which side our members of Congress are on - with Connecticut's businesses and workers who make health care available and work - or with government bureaucrats who want to run our lives from Washington, D.C."
Each member of the Congressional delegation represents a major health care provider, pharmaceutical company or research facility. Collectively, they have created thousands of high-skilled, highly paid jobs that rely heavily on investment capital.
Some of the major companies include Alexion in Cheshire and Boehringer-Ingelheim in Danbury (Murphy), Bristol-Meyers Squibb in Wallingford (DeLauro) Pfizer in Groton (Courtney) Purdue-Pharma in Stamford (Himes), and various bio-tech facilities in the Hartford and New Haven areas.
"It is unconscionable that Connecticut's Congressional delegation is going along with a plan that would destroy the foundation of our health care system and Connecticut's fragile economy," said Healy. "It is time for the Democrats to wake up and defend Connecticut's interests rather than their own."
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