Southington used to have one, then some carpetbagger showed up and out-spent the incumbent big time, did nothing for a couple of years and moved on.
We've had a placeholder ever since.
The current occupant doesn't return phone calls, and votes 100% with the United Auto Workers; so while the UAW has it's very own state rep. Southington doesn't.
Even then the current occupant fails to do his job.
When the state began purchasing hybrid cars including some non-union built imported units, the current occupant said and did nothing.
If he refuses to do anything for his puppet handlers without being told to do so, what can his constituents expect?
Needed state highway projects, once moving along, have been left sitting at the DOT for eight years because Southington hasn't had a legitimate member of the general assembly - that is one that works.
Meanwhile the last legitimate member of the General Assembly from the 81st district has avoided getting behind any previous Republican challengers for the seat.....till now.

Fusco on Banici:
"He is the type of fine young man that should be representing the town in the General Assembly.
Dan sounds like the spirit of Hamilton & Jefferson dwells within him.
He seems to express with concern, what many citizens have taken for granted for too long.
Southington needs someone to fight for the government it deserves to keep it a prosperous and viable community in the 21st century.
I am proud to call him a friend and see him as a true American Patriot."
Angelo Fusco
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